Brand Exploration

Promotional Benchmarking

When planning this project, I not only wanted to emulate the design language but the advertising style as well. I studied their packaging, advertisements, and promotional posts.

Summarized Interviews

Proportion Benchmarking

One of my classmates was gracious enough to bring in his handheld gaming consoles. I asked all of my classmates to hold different consoles and study the proportions of some of the larger devices with different-sized hands. I also began to understand the niches that different brands occupied in the market.

Prototype One

My first prototype was made of clay. Its main purpose was to test the proportions of my sketches and experiment with button layout. I cut a block of wood to match a competitor's screen size and I referenced this model for CAD. It was overall too big and was hard for me to reach the buttons comfortably.

Prototype Two

My second prototype was also too big. The design was more fleshed out at this point which enabled me to identify that the handle proportions were still way off and that my buttons and joysticks were too small.

Final Prototype

This was my final proportions. The largest changes were that I increased the size of the bottoms and joysticks and decreased the size of the handles. This left me with great ergonomics. Unfortunately, this reduced my display size, which was unintentional.

Areas of Repair

All the components exposed after removing the back and translucent plane are meant to be easily replaced. They are all fastened by two small screws each that are universal to the device and the screwdriver that comes with the unit.


Crown Divide


Wave Guardian